5 Signs You Should Take Your Cat To The Hospital

Pets & Animals Blog

If your cat has suffered an injury, it may be obvious that you should take her to the animal care hospital. However, cats mask their pain. According to experts, thousands of years of natural selection have led to their hiding pain — their wild ancestors had to mask pain for survival. Other symptoms, though, can indicate to you that your cat is in distress and needs a trip to the hospital.

1. Obvious Pain

While cats do hide their pain, they show some outward signs. One is if your cat runs and hides or refuses to move. They may cry if you touch them. Cats will excessively pant in a cool area if they're in pain. When they have abdominal pain, they'll pace and arch their backs with their rears held higher. Likewise, if your cat won't put weight on a limb, they're probably experiencing pain there.

2 Excessive Vomiting

Cats vomit from time to time because they have sensitive digestive systems and don't always make good choices in what they eat. However, continuous vomiting is a major sign of distress. If your cat keeps vomiting even when there's nothing but bile left in their stomach, they're suffering an acute condition that necessitates help from a vet.

3. Respiratory Distress

Any time you think your cats are having difficulty breathing, you should take them to the hospital. An obvious sign of respiratory distress is if they're gasping or you hear heavy abdominal breathing. Cats will also cough continuously if they can't breathe, or you may notice a stretched-out neck. If you look into your cat's mouth, you may see blue or pale gums.

4. Seizures

Several substances are toxic to cats, including flea-prevention products meant for dogs, tea tree oil, and ibuprofen. A sign they've been exposed to one of these substances is seizures. Occasionally, cats may have a single seizure and recover quickly. You can take your cat to their regular vet for an evaluation. However, if the cat has more than one seizure, they need emergency treatment.

5. Inability to Urinate

Cats can suffer from bladder inflammation and even the development of stones. In male cats, the stones can even block the urinary tract, which is a life-threatening condition. If your cat is having difficulty urinating, you'll see them going to the box frequently but producing little or no urine. If you have a male cat and you see him straining, take him to the emergency vet.  

Other conditions that necessitate a trip to the emergency vet are a sudden collapse or inability to move. If your cat displays any of the above conditions, take them to your local animal care hospital.


28 April 2020

A Pet's Love Never Ends

Do you know what the most wonderful part of having a pet is? They love you. If you care for them well and provide for their needs, they will happily snuggle up beside you and give you all of their love and affection. This rings true for dogs, cats, and even rabbits and guinea pigs. If you love the affection you get from your pets, then you have come to the right place. This website is dedicated to pet owners and anyone else who adores animals. You will find articles here about pet ownership, food, training, and a variety of other associated topics.