Helpful Tips For Taking Your Dog For Surgery

Pets & Animals Blog

If you have a dog that is in need of surgery, you might be wondering about the whole process. After all, you might have never taken a dog to the vet for surgery before. However, if you read the advice below, you will know how to prepare and what to expect.

Ask About Steps You Should Take Before Surgery

First of all, ask the vet or assistant about any steps that you should take before your pet's surgery. For example, the vet might advise that you prevent your dog from eating or drinking anything for a few hours before their surgery.

Get Your Pet There On Time

To ensure that surgery can begin on time and to avoid potentially being charged a fee, make sure that you have your pet at the vet's office on time on the day of the surgery. Give yourself time to fill out any necessary paperwork or to talk to the vet before you leave.

Make Sure Your Pet is Secured

When you take your dog to the vet's office, make sure that it is properly secured. This is for your pet's safety and the safety of other animals that might be present in the clinic. Additionally, many veterinary clinics require pet owners to have their pets secured when on the property. If you have a smaller dog, you may want to put it in a crate for easy carrying. Alternatively, you can make sure that your pet is wearing a secure collar or harness and can then use a leash.

Inquire About When You Should Pick Up Your Dog

Typically, pet owners are not required to stick around at the vet's office while surgery is being done. Depending on the type of surgery and the way that the clinic does things, it might take hours before your pet is ready. Plus, the vet might want to keep your dog around for a few hours for observation after the surgery. Typically, the vet or assistant can let you know about a good time to come and pick up your dog, however.

Find Out About Aftercare That Your Dog Might Need

Depending on the type of surgery that your dog might be having, you might not have to worry about much or any aftercare at all. However, in many cases, it's important to watch out for signs of infection at the incision site, and you might be required to give your dog medication. If your dog gets stitches, then you might have to take it back to the vet on a certain date to have the stitches removed. The vet should be able to provide plenty of advice about how to properly take care of your dog after it has its surgery. Contact Spring Hill Veterinary Clinic for more.


18 August 2020

A Pet's Love Never Ends

Do you know what the most wonderful part of having a pet is? They love you. If you care for them well and provide for their needs, they will happily snuggle up beside you and give you all of their love and affection. This rings true for dogs, cats, and even rabbits and guinea pigs. If you love the affection you get from your pets, then you have come to the right place. This website is dedicated to pet owners and anyone else who adores animals. You will find articles here about pet ownership, food, training, and a variety of other associated topics.